Peak utilizes the state-of-the-art BTE equipment to complete POET"s, FCE"s, Work Hardening, and Work conditioning.
Is an extensive 3-4 hour test utilized in in the work comp cases to close cases out or determine where cases currently stand. FCE's are performed by a physical therapist and exercise physiologist that does not have a relationship with the patient to take potential bias out of the equation. FCE's often use the patient's job description or job demands to functionally test the patient to determine if they are safe to return to work.
Is a program utilized toward the end of a patients care with physical therapy This is a program under Exercise Physiologist supervision that the patient completes to further increase strength and endurance to allow them to complete work-related functions and return to work with less risk of re-injury. It is a minimum of 2 hours per session. This program is initiated when basic physical therapy goals are met and they are ready for discharge, but not ready to return to work without limitations. The program consists of aerobic, strengthening, endurance exercises, and work-related movements to help the patient return to proper physical condition to return to work.
Is very similar to Work Conditioning. However, the key difference is work hardening is task specific. At the minimum it is a 2 hour program that is designed based off a job analysis of the patient to replicate work related tasks using the BTE Primus and PTK.
Is a form of manual physical therapy that involves the insertion of a thin filament needle to stimulate the healing process of soft tissues (muscle "trigger points", fascia, tendons and ligaments, etc.) Research supports that dry needling acts as a form of physical therapy and improves pain control, reduces muscle tension, normalizes biochemical and electrical dysfunction of motor endplates, and facilitates an accelerated return to active rehabilitation.
Ultrasound, Electrical Stimulation, Mechanical Traction, Cold Packs, Hot Packs, Parafin
Are applied to the patient pre- or post-treatment to assist in reducing pain, muscle spasm, inflammation; as well as reducing nerve related signs and symptoms.
Is a one-time evaluation developed by our industrial specialists and the employer to assess if a patient is fit for the job they were offered. It identifies strengths and weaknesses to prevent future injury costs.
On-site safety and education training and modifications to workstations to better fit the employee to reduce the risk of injury and decrease future injury costs.