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Why Flexibility Matters with your Denver Physical Therapist

Why Flexibility Matters with your Denver Physical Therapist
Movement is what our bodies are for. If we didn’t need to walk, run, talk, jump, etc then there would be no need for our intricately designed muscular system. In order to move with ease, our muscles require a certain degree of flexibility. Why is flexibility important? We will discuss some of the reasons here.

Injury Prevention

Flexibility plays a large role in the range of motion of our muscles. As flexibility increases, risk due to run of the mill injuries decreases. This is because our bodies can move in a less rigid manner allowing more fluid transition between positions and activities. If you have ever tried to run or play a game without warming up, you may be familiar with slight pain or less mobility than you are used to. Stretching engages our muscles and promotes flexibility. Highlighted in OrthoInfo by the American Academy of Orthopedic Surgeons is a list of stretches that promote flexibility. Here at Peak Physical Health and Wellness we also recommend a number of these activities to our clients to improve flexibility and promote injury prevention.

Improve Balance

Balance and flexibility are tightly intertwined. Every muscle in our body is connected in some manner. As we engage in activity and work on total flexibility, we are strengthening those connections and working through tightness. A study published in the Journal of Sports, Science, and Medicine indicated a noticeable improvement in balance where the control group was concerned. In this study, individuals who did 50 minute sessions of activity twice weekly had increased balance compared to their counterparts.

Muscle and Mental Longevity

Almost no one yearns for a shorter life. Flexibility is incredible for maintaining a stable muscular system and along with that, strengthens the mental. When humans are restricted it wears on the mind. Not being able to function as you once could can cause unwanted mental strain. Maintaining a level of flexibility is important to how we move about our daily lives; from reaching to crouching, flexibility plays a role. An article written in Harvard Health showcases the importance of flexibility in our everyday lives.

Are you looking for more mobility? Do you desire increased flexibility and everything that comes with it? Reach out to us today or visit one of our many metro offices. We here at Peak Health and Wellness strive to help you live healthily and happily. Don’t hesitate, give us a call today!


Stretching with your Denver Physical Therapist

Stretching with your Denver Physical Therapist
Are you interested in reducing your risk of injury? We here at Peak Physical Therapy and Wellness can help! While there are many ways to reduce the likelihood you may become injured, stretching is beneficial for so many reasons.

Sitting down, standing up, and other movements are often made without a second thought. Though we don’t think about it, all of these actions engage our muscles in different ways. Increasing overall flexibility by stretching will help keep these motions fluid while also preparing your muscles and body for more strenuous activity. Here at Peak Physical Therapy and Wellness we have a plethora of services that incorporate stretching. Below are some  stretches that are beneficial for your body as well as our services which include a stretching regimen.

First we will mention static stretching and to note, there are plenty of static stretches to choose from. These movements require little space and are incredible to start warmups while also working towards increased flexibility. Sitting down or standing, a few of our favorites include: forward fold, gentle reaches for the sky, arms over the head both left and right leaning, cross body arm stretches, sitting toe reach with legs together as well as toe reaches with legs apart, and butterfly or cobblers pose. If you decide to do all of these, most major muscle groups will be engaged and start to loosen up for more intensive stretching or other activities! 

While all of these movements may not require assistance, sometimes a prop can help you maintain positions longer or alleviate uncomfortable pressure if some are too intense. In our return to sports training services we often highly advise modified stretches and movements. A main prop we would recommend is often referred to as a “block” in yoga. This can be any firm rectangular item such as a dictionary or even a folded up towel. The reason this prop is beneficial is because it brings the ground closer to you or lifts you further from it. Creating different angles with our bodies can feel more natural and comfortable which is what we want! Do not press yourself too hard. Instead of reducing your chances of injury through stretching you might be causing more harm to your muscles and joints.

An incredible low impact activity while moving is going for a walk. While walking, try taking different sized strides. Larger or smaller steps engage the leg muscles differently and will also get your brain working a bit harder. Try swinging your arms more but in a controlled manner or let the rhythm of your step take the lead. Movement is good for our muscles. If we don't use them we lose them as the saying goes. 

A few other stretches that can be done statically or as you begin to move include: lunges (there are lots of variations), high kicks (forward and crossbody), high knees, butt kicks, and walking with toes pointed towards the sky or on the outsides of your feet. With mild impact on  the joints, these motions in movement can help build readiness for any activity or to begin the day. Come in for an injury risk assessment and we can advise what stretches would be most beneficial for you!

Whether an athlete or an everyday person, stretching can help prevent injury and increase muscle and joint range of motion. Stop into one of our locations or schedule an appointment online today to speak with one of our physical therapists and see what may be best for you!

Men's health with your Denver physical therapist

Men's health with your Denver physical therapist


A couple months back we touched on our women's health services and this week we will note what we have for the men! While men make up about half of the population, different bodies need different types of care. We are going to highlight some of our men's health services available to those who identify as such and require these forms of attention!

Physical health is very important because it can impact mental health. Understanding what your body needs to help you feel your best is what we are here for. At Peak Physical Therapy and Wellness our therapists will work with you to ensure you are as healthy and happy as possible. Men’s health is not often talked about, however, it is still very important! We are going to note a few issues most men and people with penises experience and how we here at Peak can help. 

Some of the most common issues across the board are bladder and bowel irregularities. Stemming from weakened pelvic floor muscles, these dysfunctions can make activities unbearable or even impossible at times. Uncomfortable constipation and IBS can deter you from doing the things you love and leave you feeling unable to be active. We here at Peak Physical Therapy and Wellness will develop a plan to help stabilize your pelvic muscles and strengthen your pelvic floor. Treatments could include internal and external muscular release to the pelvic floor, hip, and low back region as well as exercises for core stabilization and neural release. If you are experiencing discomfort do not hesitate to reach out to us. It is our mission to make sure our community members are feeling their best!

Locate an office near you and contact us today to schedule your appointment.   



Return to sports training with your Denver physical therapist

Return to sports training with your Denver physical therapist

Unfortunately, risk of injury is a non-discriminant threat. In all levels of activity there is potential for an injury. While the road to recovery isn't always an easy one, we at Peak Physical Therapy and Wellness are here to assist you. In the case you have been injured or are looking to get back and active, our physical therapists are here to help!

We offer a range of muscle and joint rehabilitation services as well as stretching techniques. Whatever your ailment, we have got a program to get you back up and moving. Using a collaborative effort, our physical therapist, your doctor, and yourself will work to generate a treatment plan that will strengthen and recuperate your muscles.

What does this look like? Depending on the injury and corrective action needed, treatment plans will vary. A consistent schedule of stretches and mobility exercises are likely to be part of your plan! These forms of movement engage your muscles in a less strenuous manner and allow for gradual growth and increased mobility. While injuries come in all forms, some require more delicate rehabilitation than others. Have you had a surgery as a result of or a deterrent for injury? If so, we also have a range of postoperative plans which will be tailored to your specific needs.

Being active is not without risk, post surgery or after injury recovery plans are just some ways in which our physical therapists can help you. Here at Peak Physical Therapy and Wellness we are determined to help you recover and get back on track with where you want to be. 

Visit us here today to schedule an appointment. Do not hesitate to reach out with any questions regarding services or potential treatment plans! It is our goal here at Peak to provide you with the utmost service and ensure you can be as active as you choose!





Manual Therapy with your Denver physical therapist

Manual Therapy with your Denver physical therapist

We love our activities, sometimes a little too much. Muscle stiffness and soreness are not uncommon post workout or whatever the exertion. Here at Peak Physical Therapy and Wellness, we have a range of services to help tired muscles as well as those in pain. Manual Therapy is one option.

Manual Therapy is great for targeted diagnosis and treatment. Certain techniques can increase range of motion, decrease myofascial restrictions, as well as reduce swelling and inflammation. Using hands-on techniques our physical therapists will help improve the stability of your muscles and facilitate movement to improve their function.

Pain reduction comes along with other benefits from Manual Therapy. Using a range of techniques involving the manipulation and mobilization of muscles and joints, our physical therapists can target your sources of pain. By developing a treatment plan tailored to your needs we can help improve your range of motion while decreasing pain. 

Our hands are just about the original tools. Thanks to specific training, our physical therapists can use these tools to reduce tension and allow muscles to move more freely by encouraging blood flow. Using such techniques in tandem with therapeutic exercises, often leads to the best results and decrease of myofascial restriction.

Visit one of our offices today or contact us here to see how manual therapy can help you!